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Discord Server Icon

Discord Server Icon


RAF SET PACK #1: $20.00
This set pack includes a server banner, profile banner, profile pictures, and server icon. For the server banner it is required for you to have a level three server. The Profile Picture you need at the least classic nitro on discord,  profile banner you will need nitro as well. But for the Icon you only need a server boosted to level one. Buy your set today and we will customize the names you want in each one. Please give us 24-48 hours for delivery. When ordering please make to to include your server name for the server banner, the name you want on the profile banner. However for the profile picture and icon, be sure to keep the letters between 1-6 characters, as it can get hard to read with more then that. So it would be good to inital your name or server name so it shows good. Order today for $20.00 and you are saving $13.00 by buying it as a pack. Individual prices are as follows. 
Server Banner: $15.00
Profile Banner: $8.00
Icon: $5.00
PFP: $5.00

Online Order Form

After you press "Proceed to Checkout", you will be redirected to a new page where you will have to continue your purchase. Where it says "Buy RAF Gaming a new gaming console", in the right side you will find an empty box, add the amount of the item you want to purchase, then below where it says to add your name, simply add your name or the name you've added with the purchase plus your email address. Below your name, make sure to add the name of your item and quantity. If you do not follow these steps, you can risk to lose your money.


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